Sunday, January 2, 2011


is the month for blogging.

I've had this blog for 2 years. And 4/5 posts have been in some January. And I don't mean 4/5 as the simplified version of 32/40 or 84/105. No. Four out of five as in I've only "blogged" 5 times. And 4 of them have been in some January. Well, now it's January again. And I have an iPad. Gee willackers, I wonder if Mr. Jobs had a vision for the iPad back in January, 2009, when I started this here blog.

A year ago today I was finishing up a little 9-day hike on the Appalachian Trail. Something miraculous happens when you're a modern-day human out in the wilderness for more than a couple hours -- you start to get lots of really good ideas. It's kind of like what happens when you are sleeping and dreaming and the wildest, most odd-ball-est occurrences seem so appropriate and natural. Except when you are backpacking you are awake and your ideas really do rock.

One of my trail schemes last year involved a plan to hike the whole AT top to bottom while raising money for my school's (non-existent) outdoor ed program. I would encourage my legions of fans to follow my journey via the blog I would be updating regularly through my super-cute, solar-powered, ultra-light Mac product. Perhaps my brain vibes subconsciously contributed to the birth of the iPad. Not that it's solar-powered yet.

Anyways, happy January, my dears!